سورة يوسف || من روائع العبر في سورة يوسف القرأن الكريم
قَالَتِ امْرَأَةُ الْعَزِيزِ الْآنَ حَصْحَصَ الْحَقُّ *
﴿ إذ قالوا ليوسف وأخوه أحبُّ إلى أبينا منّا ﴾
**وَاستَبَقا البَاب " قَد تَسيّران فِي دربٍ وَاحد .. لكِن النّوايَا مُختلِفة .!
*ﻗﻠﻦ ﺣﺎﺵَ ﻟﻠﻪ ﻣﺎﻋﻠﻤﻨﺎ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻣﻦ ﺳﻮﺀ ** . ﺗﺎﺭﻳﺨﻚ .. ﻳﺴﺎﻧﺪﻙ . . ﻓﺎﺣﺮﺹ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ **
يتغيّرُ الخطابُ بتغيُّر المصالحِ عند الكثيرين. *
(وقال يا أسفى على يوسف )
-رغم أن كل ابنائه معه الا يوسف ..
-بعض الأماكن لا يملؤها إلا شخص واحد.. ذلك أنه لا يعوضه أحد
(اذهبوا بقميصي هذا..)
اختار القميص دون غيره من اثار يوسف
ليدخل السرور عليه من الجهه التي دخل عليه الهم منها.
{ فَأسرَّها يُوسُفُ فِي نَفْسِه }
أحياناً قد تسمع كلمات جارحه من مقربيك؛
فتجاهلها وأعرض عنها،
ولا تستعجل الرد،
ففي الكتمان خيرٌ عظيم.
( اذهبوا فتحسسوا من يوسف وأخيه) فقده طفلا قبل سنين ويطلب البحث عنه..!!
إذا حدثوك عن الاحتمالات العقلية.. فحدثهم عن الثقة بالله
"وقد أحسن بي إذ أخرجني من السجن" ذكر يوسف السجن ولم يذكر البئر حتي لايُخجلِ إخوته
القدوات يترفعون عن الانتقام وتصفيه الحسابات ..
(هِيَ راوَدَتني عَن نَفسي ﴾
الأبرياء ' لُغتهم الهادئة الواثِقة تُغنيهِم عنِ الحَلف ورَفع الصوت ومُحاولات الإقناع !
﴿وَأَخَاف أَنْ يَأْكُلَهُ الذِّئْب وَأَنْتُمْ عَنْهُ غَافِلُونَ﴾
سمعوا كلمة ذئب من أبيهم فاستخدموها في الحيلة ..
لا تبين السهم القاتل في توجيهاتك التربوية ..
﴿أنا يوسف و هذا أخي﴾
لم يقل أنا عزيز مصر، بل ذكر اسمه خالياً من أي صفة. صاحب النفس الرفيعة، ﻻ يلتفت الى المناصب ولا الرُتَب.
"المقال مترجم بالإنجليزية"
"The article is translated into English."
Surah Yusuf || One of the masterpieces of lessons in Surat Yusuf, the Holy Quran
Surah Yusuf || One of the masterpieces of lessons in Surat Yusuf, the Holy Quran
The dear woman said, Now be properly evaluated *
The truth sleeps, and sometimes sleeps for a long time .. But it does not die!
Kill Joseph or throw him to the ground that leaves your father's face empty for you.
They do not know that love does not leave with the body .. !!
When they said to Joseph and his brother, I love our father more than us ﴾
They did not envy him for the money!
The gifts of the heart are more precious than the gifts of the hand
The shirt was repeated in the story of Yusef - peace be upon him - 3 times:
It was a cause of grief, a sign of innocence, and a good news of joy.
What may grieve you one day may be a joy for you tomorrow.
** And they preempted the door, "They may walk in one path ... but the intentions are different.!
It was said to Joseph, peace be upon him, while he was in prison:
"We see you as benefactors."
And he was told while he was in the treasury of Egypt:
"We see you as benefactors."
Pure metal does not change the situation!
* They said to Him, it is bad for us that we have been taught. ** Your history .. supports you. . Take care of it **
Chastity is not restricted to women;
Rather in men is greater,
(Forbid God, he said that my Lord is the best place for me)
(The witness from her family)
If the servant fears his Lord, he will make for him from all distress a way out and from every distress ... even those closest to his opponent will testify to him and support his claim
He said, “Indeed, I prayed yourselves for a matter,” for how can the wolf eat it and when the planets prostrate to it yet? Be closer to the promises of the Creator than what your eyes see
"So he sent our brother with us."
They had an interest so they said "our brother"
And when it finished, they said, "Your son."
"Your son stole."
The discourse changes with the change of interests for many. *
(And he said, I am sorry for Joseph)
- Although all of his sons are with him, except Yusef.
- Some places can only be filled by one person, because no one can replace him
(Just go with this shirt ..)
He chose the shirt and not other than the effects of Youssef
To delight him from the side from which he entered the carefree.
{So Joseph captured it within himself.
Sometimes you may hear hurtful words from those close to you;
Ignore it and turn away from it.
And do not rush to respond,
Concealment is a great good.
(Go and feel about Joseph and his brother) He lost a child years ago and he is asked to search for him .. !!
If they talk to you about mental possibilities, then talk to them about trusting God
“He was good in me by taking me out of prison.” Yusef mentioned the prison and did not mention the well so as not to be ashamed of his brothers
Role models rise above revenge and settle scores.
(She came to me about myself ﴾
Innocents' their calm, confident language enriches them from swearing, raising their voice and trying to persuade!
And I am afraid that the wolf will eat it, and you are oblivious to it
They heard the word wolf from their father, so they used it in the trick.
Do not include the killer arrow in your educational directions.
I am Joseph and this is my brother.
He did not say I am dear to Egypt, but mentioned his name empty-handed. A person with a high soul, he does not pay attention to positions or ranks.